1. To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and establish a new Testament Church, following the Fivefold ministry teaching according to Ephesians 4:1-11
  2. “The Great Commission” which simply means supporting the world evangelism; to mobilize people of all nations, equip, train and motivate them with the Word of God, the Bible being the basis of our faith, action and character building up love and wellness.
  3. To hold various meetings: i.e. congregations, crusades, seminars and conferences.
  4. Spread the Good News of salvation with faithful, effective prayers and intercessions for all men, nations and authorities; in a spirit of power (charisma).
  5. To promote and support projects of charitable nature of important issues affecting Humanity such as education, health (HIV/AIDS, Drugs, and alcoholism), food production (Agriculture), sports, recreation activities, youth and exchange interaction programs.
  6. Reveal Jesus Christ though our lives by signs, wonders, miracles, healing prayer and deliverance.